Yard Clean Up

Spring Yard Clean Up
When the snow has melted, the birds are chirping and the weather has begun to stay consistently warm, it means that spring is finally here! But even though winter is gone it has most likely left a mess behind on your lawn, meaning it’s time to do some spring yard cleaning.
Spring-cleaning a lawn involves more than just beginning to mow again, the clean up we do now help strengthen your lawn against environmental stresses, pests, and diseases for the seasons to come. With a spring clean up, LawnScapes can ready your lawn to efficiently utilize fertilizer applications and is on its way to a healthy and beautiful year.
Leaves, branches, and other natural debris are gathered up from rock beds, sidewalks, driveways, and fence lines. The lawn is trimmed, edged, and mowed with the hard surfaces being cleaned off. We haul away the debris gathered from the property.
Yard Clean Up Services
Why is it important to clean up your yard in the spring and fall? Besides just making a house and lawn look more attractive, it’s going to ensure all future lawn treatments are effective and lawn maintenance is obstruction-free. So, let’s get started!

Fall Yard Clean Up
Autumn means football games and visits to the local pumpkin patch. It also
means it’s time to get your yard ready for winter. The right preparation now will save you time and energy when spring rolls around, and will keep you and your family safe in the yard year-round.
Fallen leaves are the perfect place for pests to settle in for the winter. Clearing out this debris will help keep the unwanted critters at bay. Excessive leaves left on the lawn over winter also can ruin all the progress you have made in cultivating a lush, green lawn throughout the summer. These leaves can suffocate and rot your lawn, and in some cases cause disease to gain a foothold making the following spring tough or nearly impossible for your lawn to bounce back. Fall is also the perfect time to cut back your herbaceous (non-woody/soft) perennials.
LawnScapes will clean out the debris setting your yard up for it’s best recovery come the following spring. In many cases we recommend fall clean ups be done more than once each fall season as trees have different time tables for releasing their leaves.